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NAB Challenges FCC Ownership Restrictions

National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)
National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)

The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) has taken a significant step in its ongoing challenge to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) local radio and television ownership rules by filing an initial brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. The NAB argues that the current ownership restrictions, which have remained largely unchanged for decades, are outdated and fail to reflect the realities of today's highly competitive media landscape.

NAB's Argument for Modernization

In the brief, NAB contends that the FCC's ownership rules are relics of a bygone era, implemented long before the advent of the internet, smartphones, social media, and streaming services. The brief highlights that these rules, initially designed to prevent media monopolies and ensure diverse local content, no longer serve their intended purpose in the current media environment where broadcasters face fierce competition from numerous digital platforms.

NAB President and CEO Curtis LeGeyt emphasized the urgency of updating these regulations, stating, "It is long past time for the FCC to modernize its broadcast ownership rules; these are relics from a bygone era, created before the internet, smartphones, social media and streaming. NAB's brief succinctly demonstrates to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit that the FCC has failed to justify that these rules remain necessary to serve the public in light of the immense competition broadcasters face in today's media marketplace."

The Legal Challenge

The consolidated petitions filed by Zimmer Radio of Mid-Missouri Inc., the ABC Television Affiliates Association, and other intervenors argue that the FCC's decision to retain and even tighten these ownership restrictions is contrary to Congress's intent in the Telecommunications Act of 1996. The Act aimed to foster competition and reduce regulation in the broadcast industry, mandating the FCC to periodically review and modify or repeal any ownership rules that are no longer in the public interest.

The NAB brief criticizes the FCC for its narrow definition of competition, which excludes non-broadcast media sources such as streaming services and cable. According to NAB, this outdated perspective ignores the significant market shifts and competitive pressures that broadcasters currently face.

Impact on Broadcasters

The brief also details the adverse effects of the FCC's ownership rules on broadcasters, particularly those operating in smaller markets. It argues that the current rules prevent broadcasters from achieving necessary economies of scale, diversifying their programming, and attracting essential advertising revenue. The inability to merge or acquire additional stations hampers broadcasters' capacity to invest in local news and community-oriented programming, ultimately disadvantaging the public they serve.

Call for Action

The NAB is calling on the court to vacate the FCC's current local radio and television ownership rules, arguing that the Commission has not provided a reasoned explanation for maintaining these regulations in light of the contemporary media landscape. The brief urges a modernization of these rules to reflect the competitive dynamics of the 21st-century media marketplace.

As the case progresses, broadcasters and media stakeholders will be closely monitoring the court's decision, which could have far-reaching implications for the future of broadcast media regulation in the United States.

For further information on the filing, the detailed arguments, and the potential impact on the broadcasting industry, you can refer to the full brief submitted by the NAB and other petitioners by clicking here.


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