30 For 30 Podcasts to Premiere ''The Longest Game''
RADIO ONLINE | Tuesday, August 23, 2022 |
 ''The Longest Game'' |
30 for 30 Podcasts will debut its next installment "The Longest Game" on August 23. The podcast documents 33 innings of a surreal minor league baseball game. That honor goes to a small-town AAA game in 1981, when the Pawtucket Red Sox and Rochester Red Wings played a record-breaking 33 innings. Radio Diaries and 30 for 30 take listeners to that night with the voices who lived it -- including Hall of Famers Wade Boggs and Cal Ripken Jr.
"Great stories spring from stubborn grit," said 30 for 30 Podcasts newly appointed Senior Editorial Producer Eve Troeh. "'The Longest Game' takes you to a spellbinding all-nighter at a small-town ballpark. As baseball games go, the stakes are super low. But the players are relentless! We find out, together, what it means to keep going no matter what. Full of delightful detail and emotion, The Longest Game is signature audio storytelling."
The podcast is produced by Radio Diaries, in its first collaboration with ESPN.