Judge Rules Kasem to Go Home With His Wife
RADIO ONLINE | Tuesday, June 3, 2014 |
The media circus and Reality-TV-style drama that has become the Casey Kasem story seems terribly unfitting of the man behind the iconic voice that thrilled so many for so many years. One has to wonder if Kasem is even aware and what his take would be. Regardless, the saga continues and Kitsap County Superior Court Judge Jennifer Forbes ruled that the ailing Kasem, 82, can return to his Seattle-area home where he's been staying with his wife, provided doctors approve.
The ruling comes the day after Kasem was taken by ambulance to a medical facility following an intense argument between his wife, Jean, and Kasem's daughter Kerri Kasem. It stipulates that there must be medical supervision and doctors have to clear him safe to travel.
This past Sunday, authorities responded to a 911 call at the house and found Jean and Kerri Kasem arguing. Danny Deraney, a spokesman for Kerri Kasem, later said Jean Kasem tossed a package of ground meat at her stepdaughter. Jean Kasem's response to reporters was, "If you need to know why I did it -- when a person is about to pass away, there are always rabid dogs."