Greenberg Fights Breast Cancer With $100K Donation
RADIO ONLINE | Wednesday, October 16, 2013 |
Mike Greenberg, co-host of ESPN's Mike & Mike and author of the New York Times bestselling novel All You Could Ask For announced Wednesday that he and his wife Stacy Steponate Greenberg will donate $100,000 to The V Foundation for Cancer Research to combat breast cancer.
The donation comes in the middle of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and on the heels of the publication of Mike Greenberg's debut novel All You Could Ask For, the story of three women who meet in an online support forum when they are diagnosed with breast cancer. The novel was written to honor the memory of the late Heidi Armitage, a close friend of Mike and Stacy's, who died from the disease in 2009. In conjunction with the release of All You Could Ask For, Mike and Stacy created a foundation called Heidi's Angels, through which all of the author's profits from the sale of the book are being donated to The V Foundation to support breast cancer research.
"Heidi told us that the friends she met online with similar conditions - her 'breast friends' as she said - helped her in a way the rest of us couldn't: by supporting each other with first-hand experience," Adam Green, Heidi's husband, said of the donation. "She would have been glad that what Stacy and Michael have done will bring new hope to her friends."